Lana El Sanyoura

I'm a software engineer with an MSc degree from the University of Toronto's Computational Social Sciences lab, supervised by Ashton Anderson.
My undergraduate studies were in Computer Science and Cognitive Science at the University of Toronto and I'm extremely passionate about bridging between the domains of Machine Learning, Society, and Psychology.
My previous internship and research experiences include interning with Amazon on the Data Accuracy Supply Chain Optimization Team, the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab under the supervision of David Cox, working wit​h Intel on Deep Learning Acceleration for the FPGA, and being an Undergraduate Research Assistant with the Cognitive Lexicon Group at the University of Toronto with Professor Yang Xu. My interests in social issues, psychology, and pop culture have allowed me to contribute to projects related to these topics, and I really enjoy leading workshops to teach students basic/intermediate programming concepts.
I love the arts as well, so I take part in photography, writing, composing music, and filmmaking.